Wednesday, 5 August 2020

6 Aug (Thu): "Stories of Shared Heritage"

Stakeholders of the Friends of the Marine Park at the Sisters Islands Marine Park come together to discuss "Stories of Shared Heritage"

Date: Thursday, 6 Aug
Time: 8pm Singapore time (GMT +8)
Duration: 1-hour session

If you missed the talk live, here is the video.

Monday, 3 August 2020

The Sisters' Islands Marine Park with NParks and Mathilda D'Silva

Find out more about Singapore's amazing marine biodiversity and the work being done for them by agencies, scientists and volunteers. From the Sisters' Islands Marine Park, to the reef growing at Marina at Keppel Bay; sea turtles, corals and MORE!
More about Singapore's Sisters' Islands Marine Park and the future of Singapore's marine ecosystems with NParks and host, Mathilda D'Silva.

Video on facebook here.
For more details on what was discussed, check out the NParks website.